Video Based IVF Workshop

Home Video Based IVF Workshop

1st session

Tarek Khalaf
Hazem Abdelghaffar
Yacoub Khalaf
1:00 pm - 1:10 pm

Welcome message

Yacoub Khalaf
1:10 pm - 1:30 pm

Optimizing chances: A Comprehensive Guide to Pre-IVF Evaluation

Yacoub Khalaf
1:30 pm - 1:50 pm

Guidelines for ovarian stimulation (Practice based discussion)

Mohamed Yousef
1:50 pm - 2:10 pm

Pre IVF surgical interventions: The road for success

Mohamed Bedaiwy
2:10 pm - 2:30 pm

Mastering Ovum Pickup: An international overview

Mohamed Sabry
2:30 pm - 2:50 pm

The Art of Non-Vaginal Egg Collection: Tips, Tricks, and Equipment

Tarek Abdelrady
2:30 pm - 2:50 pm

The art of non-vaginal egg collection: Tips, tricks, and equipment

Tarek Abdelrady
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Management of poor responders

Yacoub Khalaf
3:10 pm - 4:00 pm

Cross talks between clinicians and biologist (Pannel discussion)


Abobakr Elnashar
Tarek Khalaf
Mohamed Elzayaat
Ahmad Edamen
Mohamed Yahya
Hazem Abdelghaffar
Yacoub Khalaf
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

coffee break

Coffee break

2nd session

Mohamed NourEldin Salem
Mohamed Yahya
Tarek Abdelrady
4:30 pm - 4:50 pm

Progestagen primed ovarian stimulation.

Mohamed Yahya
4:50 pm - 5:10 pm

Freeze all for all

Stratis Kolibianakis
5:10 pm - 5:30 pm

Post IVF surgical interventions: benefits and drawbacks

Hesham Al-Inany
5:30 pm - 5:50 pm

Difficult ET: How to find your way in

Esam Rashad
5:50 pm - 6:10 pm

Management of recurrent pregnancy loss

Amr Othman
6:10 pm - 6:30 pm


Mohamed Yahya

Closing and recommendations

Closing and recommendations